Convergent Creation

Amelius at 1:15PM, Dec. 9, 2018

Inspiration strikes! A new idea forms, and you're really excited about it. You want to take your time, however– you want this to be great, and no great thing just springs fully formed from one's brow. For years you toil, tweak, refine, moving ever closer to the point ...

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Strong Women, Strong Men

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Dec. 8, 2018

A ton of things have been written about “strong female characters”- how we need them in narratives, and what it means to have them in a creative work's cast. Tons of discussions and social media wars have been waged on what it is that makes a female character strong ...

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When the middle of your story sucks

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Dec. 7, 2018

When creating a story, either for comics or novels, the easiest parts to write are usually the beginnings and ends because hell ,they’re the fun bits right? You burst out of the gate, ready and raring to go, your gaze on that sweet, sweet finale but there’s a ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Through the Window

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Dec. 5, 2018

This is a story about a squirreland a ferret, Chessie and Dook, and their domestic and wild antics. Watch as they go on adventures searching for the world’s biggest acorn, visiting movie theaters while making their own commentary, and avoiding getting hit by paper airplanes. One takes on a ...

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Serialized vs Episodic Storytelling

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Dec. 1, 2018

There is a general trend in mainstream media and sequential art to generally value serialized works (in shows, series, comics, etc) over episodic ones. They are considered to be more elegant, more dynamic and more interesting than episodic ones. While this might definitely hold true, is it so as a ...

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The Double Edged Sword of Stereotyping

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Nov. 24, 2018

Stereotypes permeate our every day lives. Whether we like it or not, our brains are wired for making quick estimations and judgments based on patterns and pattern recognition.

This very pattern we're looking for to identify at a glance is what a stereotype is. And it's very useful ...

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Amanda Palmer and the Fraud Police

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Nov. 23, 2018

In my quest to improve myself by reading more than one book this year, I made a point to try and finish one that was given to me last Christmas, (I think anyway). Namely, Amanda Palmer’s, The Art of Asking. There was a passage in there that really jumped ...

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