Quackcast 379 - Troptastic

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 19, 2018


ALL the tropes!!!!
Based on Emma Clare's newspost, tropes are damn useful but they can also be your undoing if you handle them badly. Tropes are shortcuts to meanings, scenes, procedures or jokes that take too long to set up in their own right. You can use them ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Generation Bad

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 13, 2018

Maureen is a happy go lucky student, just wanting nothing more than to go and see her favourite band with her best friend. But it looks like that's not going to happen… this is a world filled with super powered supervillains and only a tiny handful of heroes to ...

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The Sizzle and the Steak

Banes at 12:00AM, May 10, 2018

For of all sad words of tongue and pen,
The saddest are these: “It might have been!”

Whether it's a webcomic, graphic novel, book, TV Show or movie, there is generally a “promise” made to the audience on some level. Maybe it starts with a thumbnail image and a ...

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Quackcast 373 - Stupid millennials, greedy baby-boomers and lazy Gen Xers!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 8, 2018


Millennials are so dumb, Gen Xers are SO lazy, and those Baby-boomers are just greedy as hell aren't they? But seriously, in THIS Quackcast we chat about the different generations of webcomicers and what's changed and what we have to learn from each other. The first generation ...

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A Trip to the Circus: A Classic Comedy Spectacular

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, March 5, 2018

I had tickets to watch a big tent circus last week that was reminiscent of classic Circus shows from older generations (minus the elephants). It was my first time going to the circus since I was six years old, unless Cirque du Soliel is considered a circus, which for the ...

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Quackcast 338 - Shared DNA of ideas

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Sept. 5, 2017


The saying goes that “Good artists copy, great artists steal”, it's attributed to various luminaries such as TS Elliot, Picasso, Tantz Aerine etc, but the important thing is the true meaning: there are very few original ideas, culture is built up out of inherited inspiration that is built ...

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The Unexpected Fascination with Internet Celebrity

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Aug. 14, 2017

Tomorrow is the first day of school in my district and in honor of this occasion, I would like to talk about a topic that is very pertinent to the younger generation and that is: Internet Celebrity.

In the last ten years, being famous on the Internet has skyrocketed to ...

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A Generation Behind

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 28, 2016

I was not anticipating the long lines and large crowds for Black Friday this year, but my shopping haul from this past weekend was delightfully fruitful. I decided it was time for a “Treat. Yo. Self.” spending spree (Tom Haverford-style from Parks and Recreation).

I played a lot of video ...

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Merging, Lane Changes, and Unprotected Turns

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 7, 2016

During the October season, I wanted to write a horror article about the things that really scare me, but I was sidetracked with deadlines, longer work hours, and lack of sleep. Halloween is now one week behind us and the Winter cold has drawn us closer into his tight embrace ...

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Banes at 12:00AM, Sept. 15, 2016

A story can be strengthened by coordinating the first and final images in some way.

It's not a hard and fast rule; it's not a rule at all. But it can be worth trying out in your writing!

The movie Halloween (there it is! I had to start ...

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