SITE ISSUES UPDATE - Data restored, but no recent images. WHAT YOU NEED TO DO

skoolmunkee at 4:22PM, March 30, 2011

Although all info posted about this earlier today is now GONE, you can get a recap of the site issues earlier today here:

In short,
- A catastrophic failure by the hosting company meant that the site and backups were lost.
- The site was rolled back to ...

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A contest for Vanguard, and many milestones for you!

skoolmunkee at 12:56PM, March 23, 2011

MrHades of Vanguard is running a Pop Culture Competition! After checking out that page I just linked, if you can identify the reference you may win some cool fan art!

Can anyone identify the pop culture reference? In what movie would I be able to find that vest that ...

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Your weekend news dose! (Don't forget to send us stuff for the Quackcast!)

skoolmunkee at 9:55AM, March 20, 2011

On Tuesday's Quackcast you will hear clips contributed by several DDers about the topic of that week's episode- and YOU can send us clips too! It's a great chance to promote yourself a little, pass on some good advice or points of consideration! Currently you can send ...

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Calling all community projects!

skoolmunkee at 4:24AM, Feb. 19, 2011

We are going to have a ‘community project’ themed QuackCast, and so this is YOUR (if you are running a community project) opportunity to get a little more advertising!

Since this is a podcast, it would be IDEAL if you could record a 2-3 minute audio file we can play ...

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There's a NEW DrunkDuck on the way, with a bunch of improvements!

srhdt at 11:50AM, Feb. 11, 2011

Hi everyone!

So as many of you may recall, a few months ago we attempted to implement a redesigned version of the site. Unfortunately, we attempted to implement the new look (and a handful of features) on top of DrunkDuck's existing code. Some of you might recall the results ...

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Brief update - thumbnails working again - and regular newspost

skoolmunkee at 10:37AM, Jan. 26, 2011

The site is recovering from the server move, albeit slowly. We're still seeing reports of problems trickle in, so keep letting us know about those and we can pass them on to the programmers at Wowio. Hopefully we will have more information soon.

Newest fix: Everyone should have thumbnails ...

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Update on site issues over the past few days

srhdt at 9:55AM, Jan. 21, 2011

Hi everyone!

First off, I want to thank you guys again for your patience over the past week, as we've worked to get DrunkDuck onto a new server. Most of the major issues should be fixed at this point (loading, logouts, missing avatars). We're aware that some minor ...

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CCA charity donation drive, milestones, and don't forget the QUACKCAST (below)!

skoolmunkee at 12:15PM, Jan. 11, 2011

Shaman Quest by Dark Pascual reached 400 pages AND started a new chapter on Monday!

And the 100th page of vwyler's The Unthinkable Hybrid was also on Monday!

And the recently-featured Character Development by Gunwallace has made it to 150 pages “and still going strong at a page-a-day (puff ...

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Mafia, Secret Santa, finished comics and milestones- I am full of holiday excitement!

skoolmunkee at 4:21PM, Dec. 17, 2010

What are YOU full of?

You know the drill by now guys- MAFIA SIGNUPS HAVE COME AGAIN! The Flying Green Monkey is your GM and the theme of this game is: “The Spanish Mongoose Venom has struck again. This game is basically continuing crazy games based on the said Venom ...

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Aelwyn of Amya interviewed, contest stuff, publishing, milestones, and podcasts!

skoolmunkee at 10:02AM, Dec. 10, 2010

Let's get right to it, shall we? Time's a-wastin! it is a key point to the plot. Though that won't make any sense at the current point in the story, it will within the next few chapters. The ...

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