I'm a terrible housekeeper

skoolmunkee at 2:49AM, Nov. 10, 2006

I'd like to remind everyone of just a couple of rules. (Bear with me please!)

Firstly, userpics (the ones that you can upload in your control panel) - these really need to be kept to 35kb or less. When these start piling up in the comments sections of pages, and ...

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Let's pretend it's the 24th!

Black_Kitty at 11:08PM, May 24, 2006

Yes let's! I'm not late, you're all early! ;P

What's so special about May 24th? It's the day Firefly Cross turned 4 (and not a single missed update!) and Mafital updated with its 250th strip! Congrats you guys!

June 1st is also Megaman the Comic ...

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Ice-T is a reputable actor

skoolmunkee at 3:51AM, May 15, 2006


The Quack!

You heard me.

Also, the Web Cartoonists' Choice Awards starts its nominations round today-ish!

Anyone with an online comic is eligible to participate, but there are some restrictions as noted in the procedures and rules documentation. However, there is no restriction on which comics can ...

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And I follow closely behind~

Black_Kitty at 2:26PM, April 27, 2006

Just adding to the newsposts. :)

ccs1989 got his first book published! You can get Assassin Assassin Book One at Lulu if you click right here!

The 1000th (yes, one thousand O.o) Elijah and Azuu comic is coming up soon and Inkmonkey is planning a fanart special this coming Wednesday ...

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Public Speech About Drawing Figures and Webcomics

skoolmunkee at 3:32AM, April 24, 2006

Jillyfoo is giving a public speech today (April 24th) about using references for drawing webcomics. It is at the Undergraduate Research Conference at the University of Minnesota, Mankato. It's titled Drawing the Figure Using References For An Online Comic. Sorry, I don't know the time….

That's understandably ...

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skoolmunkee at 3:27AM, April 19, 2006

I am freshly returned from Spain where everyone eats prawns and sugar-coated bread for Easter and now I have some announcements!

WTF Renewed is 100 comics old on the 19th of April. Also reaching 100 pages is Golden Gamers, and Aussie Kid tells me he has something special planned. Congrats ...

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Saturday newsbit

Black_Kitty at 12:19AM, March 4, 2006

Hey guys! Friendly neighbourhood cat on the Internet here with your weekly dose of news! :) Happy news first~

hpkomic proposed an awesome idea on the forums: sponsor a comic. Noticed a comic that's not getting the comments they should? Why not sponsor them by providing a link to that ...

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It's ok ma'am, I'm a professional.

skoolmunkee at 3:41PM, Feb. 18, 2006

Time for another fun-filled newspost! Since “guys and guy-ettes” sounded a bit chauvanistic toward women last time, here's something chauvanistic toward men to even things out: Hello goddesses and useless meat-sacks!

Does that make me a modern “woman of today” now that I can freely insult men? I feel ...

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Drunk Duck Lucky Bag

skoolmunkee at 12:05PM, Feb. 13, 2006

Hello guys and guy-ettes!

I know how excited you all get when someone makes a newspost so I thought I would feed the fire a little.

Comic Anniversary!
Did you know that the Tuesday, February 14th is the 500th comic of Yami no Tainai? I think you will agree with ...

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skoolmunkee's mess-o-post

skoolmunkee at 6:25AM, Feb. 10, 2006

Welcome back to Drunk Duck!

Hey guys (and gals, or you know… womyn or something), if you're here then you know Drunk Duck is back. Congratulations! To… us I guess.

This blog/news post will be a fairly brief rundown of how some things work around here. Keep in ...

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