This week is almost a continuation of #5 where I spoke about Holon and it's creator Abt_Nihil. This week I'm drawing your attention to an issue that you may be able to help with.
One of the comics that Abt_Nihil administrates is the popular community project Heroes Alliance ...
Superheroes & The Duck!
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 9, 2017]
Guest newspost by Nepath
Firstly, let me get the self-promotion out of the way. Sunday just gone I started a third story arc for my comic Energize (, which originally launched on this site, 10 years ago that day. It's called Energize and if you like ...
FRIDAY NEWSPOST - Heroes Alliance!
HippieVan at 12:00AM, May 9, 2014
Abt_Nihil was the winner of my Easter contest, so here is his well-earned plug for Heroes Alliance!
From Abt_Nihil:
"Heroes Alliance, dd's long-running superhero crossover community project, started its 9th chapter yesterday! In this new chapter, the Alliance has to stop a Zombie outbreak in Darwin, Australia, and meets ...
QUACKCAST 156 - The Abt Nihil and Pit Face bottomless Hero Alliance
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 4, 2014 LISTEN!
Today we welcome a dastardly new bad guy alliance between three powerful super villains of Duck City: Ozone Evil, Pit Dastardly, and Abt Destruction! In their pirate lair aboard the bottomless pirate ship, the trio revel in their shared passion for bottomlessnessnessnessitude. Abt and Pit go on to ...
Heroes Alliance ZOMBIFIED Cross-Promotion Community Project
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 17, 2014
In order to promote the next chapter of HEROES ALLIANCE, which will feature a team of DrunkDuck’s superheroes go up against an army of the undead led by the terrifying Zombie Queen, we will do a cross-promotion incentive:
Everyone ...
Some good news, some sad news, some milestones...
skoolmunkee at 11:16AM, May 29, 2011A big congratulations to Niccea, site moderator, Mafia princess, and all-around great gal- who has gone off to get married and have a bit of honeymoon! We wish you the best!
Sad news today:
Our pal and long time Heroes Unite/Heroes Alliance collaborator Hero lost his house in ...
Quackcast Episode 9 has been posted!
skoolmunkee at 9:16AM, Dec. 28, 2010
Episode 9 - The Jumbo-Sized Holiday QuackCast That Ate Too Much Turkey
Dec 28, 2010
skool and oz just go all-out and talk about whatever strikes their fancy for about an hour. Somehow they manage to keep it about DrunkDuck, webcomics, and the holidays.
*Community shout-outs Part 2 (TD High, Fightsplosion ...
Monday feature -> VANGUARD
skoolmunkee at 11:01PM, Aug. 22, 2010
In the near future, a small team of genetically-engineered meta-humans defend our country's interests at home and abroad… *dramatic music* The Vanguard! It's a fairly standard superhero team with a Brit twist, and one of those comics where heroes are placed in an otherwise realistic world with a ...