Everyone, 88 pages

Constant problems between a girl and a rabbit and maybe some gum.

Mature, 4 pages

With the events of S.C.U 12 years ago behind them, the Valentine sisters have departed their separate ways to begin their individual lives, but after learning about a dangerous threat facing the world’s two most powerful superpower nations, they must unite with long time faces as well as having the two nations work together in order to stop the Imperial Regiment Group (I.R.G): a Russian Paramilitary Militia from obtaining the Vitanium before it becomes a catastrophic World War III. Will they be able to have them work together and help stop this threat or will it be the end of civilization?

Updates to begin November 2024

Everyone, 14 pages

Maura the mole loves digging tunnels and keeping them tidy. Digging is her life! One day she sees an excavator and is immediately fascinated by that machine and its sheer power. Daydreaming of a world of possibilities, she moves closer, but being a mole, she is hopelessly short-sighted and realises she might have made a grave mistake…

Maura the Mole is a short picture story to make you laugh and think, with a little pinch of humour black as a mole's fur. It can be enjoyed by literally all ages. It has originally been published in print a couple of years ago and is still available.

Teen, 22 pages

Ted works in an office and deals with slowly losing his mind by wearing monster suits.

Everyone, 14 pages

Your typical story about a group of gamers(idiots) whose neighborhood is infested with zombies.

Teen, 86 pages

In the bleak future of 2520 A.D. it's bang or get banged on as the gangs have reclaimed territory from the authoritarian Deva State of America. Jr. Captain Quincey Bayker has a hell of a job keeping the streets clean from serial killers and thugs. But it's his own corrupt Jr. Squadron that needs to be kept in line the most.

Everyone, 14 pages

Oslow, a green chameleon moves to a new province on the Edge of the continent. There are far more mythics there than he’s ever seen! Including a hybrid cat dragon that’s outside his new job. How will he deal with far more powerful fursons roaming about and causing more incidents than he’s used to?

A furry comic! Updates Saturdays!

Adult, 100 pages

Adults Only! Random art stuff related to M.Organ Art, such as character sketches, colorings, collaborations, fanart, etc.

Everyone, 98 pages

Christine Ryder is a normal French girl dealing with normal teenage girl problems. That is, until she comes face to face with a talking meteor from another dimension named Comet. Through a process called the Agnition, Christine and Comet can combine together to form a mighty hero. The two of them use their newfound powers to protect others from threats too great for normal beings to handle. This is the story of Cometman, the greatest hero the galaxy has ever known.

Everyone, 58 pages

In his final year of high school, an unpopular teen must accomplish 100 dates when his very own father burdens him with the challenge and an extreme ultimatum!

Teen, 12 pages

In Bergen, (Norway)
15-year-old Erika is SuperActionGirl, who can sense monsters that the world doesn't know about,
and fights them.
But she is not good at it.

VOE by jerrie
Adult, 497 pages

V.O.E. …Vampire Alien warriors from another dimension…World of Earthal…they fight an on-going struggle against the evil forces of the Vampire Goddess CLOR, and other evil threats.

Mature, 19 pages

Pepper Estrella DeJesus Estival has been chosen as a hunter of all things grody and disgusting. Whether it's fighting were-wolves, drag racing dullahans or flirting with the mysterious Prosperina, when something goes bump in the night, Pepper and her crew Bump Back.

Teen, 4 pages

Two aliens travel the galaxy to achieve their goals to make their home a safe place. PG-14. Updates whenever I'm done.

Adult, 10 pages

Maxi and her living butt Sherrie Camille go for candy in Halloween and has erotic adventures.

Adult, 27 pages

A looming threat takes place on earth, a horrendous machine of catastrophic events has increased the presence of demons beyond the far-fetched; Saint Michael and his faithful helper Dybi must face the difficulties of ending such horrors, hindered by an organization that seems to want everything but peace in creation. Can they find the pure of heart, the weapon and save the planet from the apocalypse?
the output of the pages is fixed every Saturday of the week

Adult, 541 pages

Tanza Late, a college girl, just wants to do Porn Webcomics..

Mature, 12 pages

A group of races of ancient, interatomic, little mutants. One race with an empire, a dream and a religion. One upcoming Matriarch about to take the throne. One daring outcast who's theft will embark them both on a journey of discovery and redemption.

Mature, 34 pages

Life is Sweet and Bitter, Beautiful and Painful and blessing to be here. Live to your fullest don't waste time on Fear & Regret

Teen, 14 pages

Cruiser Halcyon Alpha Zero Five is a Union Galaxies ship, piloted by the less than ideal Captain Lance Frost. Alongside trusted veteran second in command Chief Officer Rebecca Dance, and alien Janitor “Leroy”, a series of misfortunes leave them facing unsurmountable odds, as they attempt to make their way through the universe…

A comedy Sci-fi adventure, with a dose of action.
Expect some strong language, and a bunch of violence!

Mature, 2 pages

X is thrown into the middle of something he doesn't give a damn about

Everyone, 11 pages

Carpe Dooble is meant as a hub for various styles of cartooning and storytelling, much like an anthology series. Some characters MAY reoccur, while others will only have a brief moment in the sun before they disappear.

Mature, 11 pages

Three lost souls. Three pirate factions. One compass that will lead to a place that will grant any one wish. Let the quest for No Land Shore begin!

Adult, 20 pages

Submarine sailors on liberty in a bars with cute young ladies. Tales from from the Fleet Reserve. Sea stories. The stuff of legends.

Everyone, 13 pages

Robots! Digital Women! Alien Artifacts! Wow!


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