Public Profile

pkmn fan

member since July 07, 2009


Comics By pkmn fan

  • Fantasy |
  • 0 pages |
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  • Fantasy |
  • 8 pages |
  • last: Nov. 1 2011 |
  • 1 like
A little journey with a girl who's is very exited about this, but very unsure.
  • Fantasy |
  • 3 pages |
  • last: July 7 2011 |
Battles with multiple characters until the finals. Who will be the champion?

Comics Assisted By pkmn fan

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Comics Recomended By pkmn fan

An inquisitive worm makes friends with the bird who was going to eat him. Sarcasm ensues. A Platinum Studios comic!

A simple "chibi" style strip, inspired by life and a very bored wandering mind, about the mundane, the moronic, the silly, the surreal, the cute, the quirky, the geeky and anything that materializes in my head.

A super-powered vampire with pirate-related PTSD accidentally starts collecting friends like a crazy cat lady collects strays, and they all live in a cabin in the woods.

In a world of Pokémon, Finding the One can be harder than it seems...

An odd little comic about a father and his imaginary daughter, though you can sort of guess that from the title, huh?

A silly comic about Mario and Luigi's "real" jobs as plumbers.

n00btendo was supposed to be a normal game. something went wrong. The boundaries of the game expanded throughout all the different worlds, including the real world. Now Mario, and many others have to prevent total chaos in the worlds. Fun, ain't it?

A Pokemon comic with a twist, lets try for a little originality~ Don't underestimate the power of flowers, lily of the valley~

The journey of the trainers Andre and May

Pokemon Chronicles: Daemian's Quest takes place several decades after Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. Many things have changed, including the age needed to become a pokémon trainer, which is now 18. This is the story of a boy of 18 who gets his first pokemo

Join May, a beginning trainer, and her two new friends, Hayley and Taylor, as they travel through the Kanto region in hopes of May fulfilling her dream of becoming a Pokemon Coordinator Master!

A Pokemon and Mario crossover comic, leaning more towards the Pokemon aspect. The Mario Bros. are traveling the Pokemon world, with the help of four other trainers, as they try to rescue the kidnapped Princess. Is there more to this than meets the eye?

Pokemon comic with a difference. Shaun and Matt are 2 humans who find a device that allows them to travel between Earth and the Pokemon World... or it would, if Shaun hadn't broken it - Contains strong language -Updated randomly, but at least once a week

For as long as both have existed, humans and the pokémon who accompany them have learned about themselves, the world, and each other by going on a journey (even if sometimes you have to be dragged along for the ride). The journey that begins with Bklcbkl (a naive human) and Nozo (an annoyed pikachu) leads to a grand intersection of journeys that will determine the fate of the future.

A mean-tempered Clefairy is exposed to a sunstone and given the ability to speak. Using his new gift, he seeks to take over the world.

The Sonamy couple is formed, Sonic and Amy has fought against the terrible Doppeldangers. Shadow and Rouge are trying to gather more informations about the new threat... This Chapter 3 begins with Knuckles, Tikal and Chaos Zero...

It's about a blob in a soup can. Well, it was. I lost track, to be honest. I don't know if I really knew in the first place. I only remember the beginning and the end. You can read it if you'd like, but truthfully this comic is more for me than you. Feature 12/21/09

A "Nintendo's Untold Legends" Spin-off featuring the bizarre universe Takira has found and has made her vacation home... Until her friends (and some annoyances) show up.

Following what was supposed to be the best day of any girl's life, Angela finds out that her life is not all what it seems. Because of her position, she is caught up in a war between two demon clans.

Strange things have started happening in the local cemetery since Fernando Fritz rose from his grave... could this zombie be the cause of all the weirdness, or does it just follow him? Updates every 13th of the month!

Lunarstar is a one of a kind pony, living in a world where Winged unicorns don't exist. She will soon discover she's from another world and learns just how important she is.

A Princess! A demon! Their goal? World domination!


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