Comic Prep Work

damehelsing at 12:00AM, July 4, 2021

One of the things I love the most about comics, is the prep work, which may not be obvious by the countless amount of times that I’ve stated that I’m doing absolutely no prep work as of now for Scorned; but when I worked on Scarred Eden, that ...

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Intrigue and Scheming

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, July 3, 2021

Who doesn't love a good intrigue, some scheming in the shadows, some low chuckling behind a curtain?

The author.

It's the author that doesn't love it. Or rather, the sheer background work that needs to go into writing a good scheming plot, counter plot, and the whole ...

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Space Based Interactions

Banes at 12:00AM, July 1, 2021

Some of my earliest memories are playing with Star Wars toys - my awareness of the first film and the toys are muddled together, but I clearly remember seeing The Empire Strikes Back, and vividly recall the couple-years-long wait after that, before Return of the Jedi would come and resolve the ...

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QUACKCAST 537 - Historicity

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 29, 2021

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We have a chat about historicity in this Quackcast. What IS historicity? It's historical authenticity basically but a nicer way of saying it! It's pretty ...

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Is it Luck?

damehelsing at 12:00AM, June 27, 2021

Have you seen ”The Road to El’Dorado”? If you pay attention to the movie, the whole thing is pretty much based on luck.
Spoilers ahead if you haven’t watched the movie!
We witness luck happening from the start of the movie when Miguel and Tulio have been using ...

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QUACKCAST 536 - #heroesdon'tdothat

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 22, 2021

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There was ALL sorts of kerfuffle on the internet centred around the phrase “Heroes don't do that”.
It began with an interview of two people involved ...

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To Explain Or Not

Banes at 12:00AM, June 17, 2021

The other day I happened upon a movie called Primer from 2004. It's well regarded for how original it is and also for being made for only 7,000. That's a shockingly low price, even for low budget films.

I enjoyed it, though I found it a tough ...

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Different Variations of Protagonist

Banes at 12:00AM, June 10, 2021

When we think of a Protagonist, the standard type that comes to mind is the underdog, maybe a young character who goes on a difficult journey and learns some lessons and faces many challenges, or a capable person who gets in way over their head in some kind of intriguing ...

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Color Theory as a Rewind Machine

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 31, 2021

It is evident, when training the eye for color theory practice, that decades and movements in the twentieth century captured color schemes that exuded the vibe and mood of the time. The above photograph is taken from the chapter titled “The American Dream” section of Pantone’s 1940s collection and ...

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Balancing speed and detail

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, May 28, 2021

It is a balancing act when it comes to the level of detail we comics artists like to include in each page and the speed at which we can complete said page. Sitting back and seeing a beautifully coloured render of your work may be satisfying, but is the level ...

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