A Dimension Not Only of Sight and Sound but of Mind

Banes at 12:00AM, Aug. 5, 2021

When he created the Twilight Zone, Rod Serling was motivated by the desire to tell more meaningful stories. In his writing career up to then, his work had been heavily censored.

Serling realized that by setting his stories in fantastical situations, in alternate or futuristic versions of Earth, that he ...

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ART: wrong time or wrong crowd?

damehelsing at 12:00AM, Aug. 1, 2021

Is there a specific age for a specific art style? Maybe an expiration date for some? Or is it just entirely dependent on the crowd?

Hey hi hello ducklings, it is I, the damehelsing.

So, as stated before, I’m here to talk about art, the “time periods” of art ...

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Writing Women, Writing Men

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, July 31, 2021

We've all seen the cringy dialogue. The weirdly stereotypical and awkward situations. The sheer effort of the script writer, the novelist, or the comic book writer to write someone they don't know: a woman, or a man.

Too often the problem is very stark when comparing character designs ...

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Interviewing Miranda of "Into the Swell"

damehelsing at 12:00AM, July 25, 2021

Hello ducklings! I’m back with another interview, and this time we’ve got our wonderful sea captain Miranda! So, Captain Miranda, please introduce yourself!!

Miranda: Hello ducklings! I'm Miranda! I'm a full time computer engineer and in my spare time I enjoy baking, doing puzzles, playing video ...

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Struggling Together

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, July 17, 2021

So this is a trope that unfortunately is very true in life as well. TV tropes calls it “We ARE Struggling Together” and I call it ‘the divided front’.

When the Big Bad is so bad that everyone agrees to set aside their differences to fight it off, then usually ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> The Magister Records

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, July 14, 2021

It was a blustery, cold evening when Elias and Archimedes arrived at the Four Harts Inn. Upon arrival, the pair meet up with Yara Sistani, a guide to get them safely through the first part of their expedition. Out of nowhere, a haunting voice of a creature beyond the earthly ...

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QUACKCAST 539 - Schemers!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 13, 2021

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Schemers can be part of some great stories when they're done well! When they're done badly though they're very annoying! Schemers, plotters and planers ...

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Space Based Interactions

Banes at 12:00AM, July 1, 2021

Some of my earliest memories are playing with Star Wars toys - my awareness of the first film and the toys are muddled together, but I clearly remember seeing The Empire Strikes Back, and vividly recall the couple-years-long wait after that, before Return of the Jedi would come and resolve the ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> 24Hour Cake

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, June 30, 2021

Awaken the Baker because the Queen will be married on the Morrow. A Royal Wedding Cake needs to be baked within twenty-four hours. The heroes must scour the lands and go on an epic shopping spree in order to attain all the ingredients. Will the additional assistance of Scum, a ...

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