Oh man you know what Friday means

skoolmunkee at 3:14PM, June 16, 2006

Tonight's Law and Order SVU was pretty good! I like B.D. Wong.

Anyway, LowResAtari has hit the enormous 200th comic milestone and has made a special Flash comic for people to enjoy. If you like stuff, you should check out his! That didn't come out perverted at ...

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Another day, another dollar

skoolmunkee at 11:34AM, June 12, 2006

The Web Cartoonists' Choice Awards finalists have been announced in their forum so take a few minutes to head over and check the list out! I'm a bit fuzzy on the rules, but I think if you are a writer/artist of a webcomic you can register to vote ...

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Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June.

Black_Kitty at 1:01AM, June 2, 2006

Got a whole batch of news for you guys today~

The Quack released their June issue recently! It features an interview with hpk, some very delicious comics and many more! July's theme is going to be “summer vacation” and if you're interested in contributing, contact Eleika about it ...

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Ice-T is a reputable actor

skoolmunkee at 3:51AM, May 15, 2006


The Quack!

You heard me.

Also, the Web Cartoonists' Choice Awards starts its nominations round today-ish!

Anyone with an online comic is eligible to participate, but there are some restrictions as noted in the procedures and rules documentation. However, there is no restriction on which comics can ...

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The news don't stop

skoolmunkee at 3:09AM, May 11, 2006

LowResAtari needs people to comment and/or e-mail him for suggestions on his 200th comic. (Mixed Bag Comics) More explanation here: forum thread!

It's pretty much a flash video compilation of stuff that people want to see animated, which will be complete with voices. Sounds fancy! Also he says ...

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What, Monday AGAIN?

skoolmunkee at 4:18AM, May 8, 2006

nsom at New Secret of Mana has found his life too busy and turbulent at the moment to update his comic as regularly as he wants. Therefore he is (very nicely) requesting guest comics, be they drawn, sprite, etc, so long as they have to do with The Secret of ...

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Birds and Angels (And Demons)

skoolmunkee at 3:42AM, May 3, 2006

(Chalupa) Chelano has posted his 100th Brutus strip! Go on by and get your regular dose of adorable yet semi-abusive bird antics!

Inkmonkey has just posted Elijah & Azuu's 1000th strip! That is… well, the only word I can think of to describe that amount is something like “whopping.” This ...

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Nutella is delicious

skoolmunkee at 2:35PM, May 1, 2006

Also I have news!

I finally found the Futurama game for PS2 (and affordable no less)!

OK, time for some real news, and some very Sonic news at that:

Tonykewv1's Tony the Hedgehog has reached its 1-year anniversary, and to celebrate he's done a huge 24-panel comic. Stop ...

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And I follow closely behind~

Black_Kitty at 2:26PM, April 27, 2006

Just adding to the newsposts. :)

ccs1989 got his first book published! You can get Assassin Assassin Book One at Lulu if you click right here!

The 1000th (yes, one thousand O.o) Elijah and Azuu comic is coming up soon and Inkmonkey is planning a fanart special this coming Wednesday ...

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Gosh the newsposts are hopping lately!

skoolmunkee at 8:32AM, April 27, 2006

LowResAtari's Mixed Bag Comics has reached 150 comics today, and he has made some special entertainment for his visitors in Flash! Hypnotoad demands you visit.

spoonerman is running a competition at his comic, Space Unknown, whereby the person who submits the best filler wins. You can read more about ...

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