We totally have user profiles now.
Volte6 at 11:55AM, April 23, 2007Hear ye! Hear ye!
We now have user profiles. No, really. Real ones. Not those shabby wannabe blue pages with a comic thumbnail or two.
These are full featured community profile pages, where you can have friends, videos, a little bit about yourself, comments, and so on.
How do you ...
And even MORE news!
Black_Kitty at 2:43PM, April 21, 2007I have news too! :D
Heeeey~ Remember that thing called DrunkDuck awards? Hey I remember it too! What's that? You don't know what that is? Then why don't you go check it out! (And check out the polling center for it!)
Guess who's celebrating their big ...
The weekend means more news!
skoolmunkee at 1:18PM, April 21, 2007Don't forget to send your interview questions for kcgreen (Horribleville, CAT) to me! You have until like, Tuesday!
Tyrapendragon is sending out the call for Fusion (part 17) participants! Don't know what the Drunk Duck Fusions are? NOW YOU HAVE NO EXCUSES! Do it, skoolmunkee commands you!
Wazaga ...
New Interviews, Nontests, Crossover Wars, Community Projects, and Milestones!
skoolmunkee at 2:49AM, April 16, 2007What's up ducks and duckettes? I got some announcements!
Some changes are coming soon to the user pages! So keep an eye out…
There's a new Creator Interview up, and this time it's Hawk of Culture Shock!
Would you be doing your comic at all if you ...
Civil War Nontest *Update:Wizard World Philly Sign up!
carly_mizzou at 3:19PM, April 10, 2007Sneaking in an update:
Sign up for Wizard World Philadelphia opens 10 AM Pacific time Friday 13th
Check out the Convention Forums for details and sign up info!
It's that time again! …time for what? Well another nontest! (YAY) But golly gosh Easter's over and there's not ...
Oh man I have like a million news announcements
skoolmunkee at 1:32PM, April 9, 2007And I'm going to quote all of them! (Read them all, there's something in here for everyone. It's a veritable menagerie of announcements!)
Community project gets first announcement!
If all goes well Comic Remix will be updating with all the remixed strips on Thursday. Get excited!
I ...
Small changes
Volte6 at 7:49PM, April 6, 2007Okay, a couple things to point out…
For one thing, I've been moving a lot of our images to a server on a new subdomain… this should hopefully be pretty transparent, but if anything looks weird or fails to load, please let me know via PQ or in the ...