Reinventing the Archie Comic to Riverdale TV Series

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Oct. 7, 2019

I decided to give the first episode of Riverdale chance after seeing lots of its merchandise advertised in the local Hot Topic and several teenagers recommending it. If anyone is late to the party (as I was), Riverdale is a series based off of the 1939 Archie Comics. It shares ...

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The Death of the Method?

Banes at 12:00AM, Sept. 12, 2019

The Death of the Method?

In the past, I've been a proponent of the Banes Method - really, the Save the Cat Method - of story construction and story improvement.

The method became all the rage in film production in Hollywood apparently - and has received some criticism as well, for being ...

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When You're Juggling Too Much

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Sept. 7, 2019

We've all had periods like this- everything that needs to be done yesterday just keeps piling up and up, demanding your time and your energy and focus, and you only wish you could clone yourself to get it all done in time.

Especially when it so happens that you ...

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Cosplay for Webcomics

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Sept. 6, 2019

This is Ozoneocean filling in for Em! Today I want to talk about cosplay, but not just any cosplay… no, I'm talking about cosplay from webcomics.

What IS cosplay? Well it's people dressing up as their favourite pop-culture characters, or maybe even doing their own original character. Movie ...

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Too Hot For TV

Banes at 12:00AM, Sept. 5, 2019

Game of (Sticks and) Stones

I heard about the new Dave Chappelle special, Sticks and Stones, and couldn't wait to finish the long work day to get home and watch it.

A lot of it was hysterical and I was laughing loudly, sounding like some kind of sick donkey ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Sept. 4, 2019

Limbo Road is an interesting little place filled with a cast of colourful characters and the dumb things they get up to. Doctor Faust for instance: he's the resident mad scientist, he routinely finds himself creating sassy, smart talking animals like Panda-bat and a talking turtle with a giant ...

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Point of view 2 - Unreliable Narrators

Banes at 12:00AM, Aug. 29, 2019
tags: banes, pov, thursday


Last week we talked a little pov basics.

This time, how about we talk the fascinating device called the Unreliable Narrator. For anyone who doesn't know, this type of narration (usually first person in prose, but not necessarily) tells the story in question…but is not necessarily giving ...

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Demons in the Darkness Kickstarter Help

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Aug. 26, 2019


Starting in September, I am running a Kickstarter to fund a print run of my comic Demons in the Darkness.

Demons in the Darkness is a horror story inspired by my time in High School being bullied.

I am looking for anyone willing to donate any art or digital ...

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Cooperation vs. Competition in Comics

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Aug. 24, 2019

Ozoneocean suggested this topic, and I am intrigued to explore it.

I've made a good few posts about assorted drama in the comic world, especially between different factions and concerning different approaches to the art. Often that is addressed from a strictly ideological point of view. But today I ...

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Characters falling flat

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Aug. 23, 2019

The lifeblood of your comic is the characters in it. They offer a way for the audience to be invested in the world and contextualise any conflicts that will inevitably occur. So it is important that the characters don’t come across as flat. A flat character is one dimensional ...

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