Writing Mental Illness: A Good Example (Part 3)

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Feb. 9, 2019

Having discussed a general approach to writing characters with mental disorders (with a lot of thoughtful comments by you further enriching what I had to say!) it's only right that we wrap up this very quick analysis with an example of a story that properly portrays them.

I chose ...

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Juggling balls

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Feb. 8, 2019

So, I’m still experiencing internet issues and have to do a lot of things on my phone, so the 10-year flashback article has been shifted to next week. Want to join the fun though? We’ve had so many amazing posts from people showing off their progress and next ...

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QUACKCAST 412 - Hiatusssss D:

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 5, 2019

LISTEN on our new player!
Listen on Stitcher ​​- https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/drunkduck-quackcast
Or TuneinRadio - https://tunein.com/podcasts/Books–Literature/Drunkduck-Quackcast-p1150194/

A huge thank you to the fantastic Amelius, creator of Charby the Vampirate! We mined her great newspost on the topic of the comic hiatus for this ...

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The Future Generation of Webcomic Creators

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 4, 2019

With fewer art programs in schools these days on average, the next generation of budding artists looks bright.

In elementary school, students take a piece of paper, place it on top of a personal tablet and trace an image using a technique that is similar to using an animation light ...

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10 Year flashback - Share your progress!

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Feb. 1, 2019

Last week I dug up my first webcomic page and shared it with you all. In the the comments blntmaker came up with the idea of holding a 10 year challenge for webcomics and you know what? That is a totally awesome one!

So, this week, join me and others ...

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Too Smart and Sensitive

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 28, 2019

The buzz on the street is that mTV studios will be releasing a Daria reboot called Daria and Jodie along with other shows geared to an older audience like the animated Aeon Flux series. Daria was such a staple to watch in the late nineties and it helped teens in ...

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The first webcomic page

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Jan. 25, 2019

I’m in the process of moving house and I took the opportunity to go through some childhood belongings. During my excavation I stumbled across the very first comic page I ever drew. This was quite the find as I had long believed that my first ever webcomic, with its ...

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Used Books and Righteous Comic Have Milestones!!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 21, 2019


Used Books by usedbooks

usedbooks would like to announce a milestone!
Used Books will be posting its 1400th page today. :)


RIGHTEOUS by righteouscomic

Righteous Comic has reached its 250th page today!


What's Quacking?
Do you have any original ...

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Drawing the Red Line

Amelius at 11:48AM, Jan. 20, 2019

Let's be honest, we don't always appreciate someone pointing out our mistakes. Criticism may be important for artists growing into their craft to find the right areas to focus on improving through a little outside guidance, but not all critique is made equal. Frankly speaking, a lot of ...

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Embracing procrastination

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Jan. 18, 2019

A few months ago, I was linked to a video about original thinkers by organisational psychologist, Adam Grant. and the habits of people he calls originals. It’s a very interesting video and I highly recommend watching it, but one of the points that he makes is about embracing the ...

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