Logging in troubles...

Volte6 at 12:08PM, Feb. 22, 2006

Some of you may notice you've been logged out.

I am putting in a new system for tracking users who are logged in. The purpose is to keep your accounts and passwords safe. There was something in place previously but it seems some Mac users are having trouble with ...

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The Community Post

skoolmunkee at 11:59AM, Feb. 22, 2006

By popular demand, I'm making a newspost today about a bunch of the community projects that go on in Drunk Duck all the time. Some of these are ongoing and some of them aren't, but they are all pretty interesting. Of course you don't have to participate ...

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It's ok ma'am, I'm a professional.

skoolmunkee at 3:41PM, Feb. 18, 2006

Time for another fun-filled newspost! Since “guys and guy-ettes” sounded a bit chauvanistic toward women last time, here's something chauvanistic toward men to even things out: Hello goddesses and useless meat-sacks!

Does that make me a modern “woman of today” now that I can freely insult men? I feel ...

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Drunk Duck Lucky Bag

skoolmunkee at 12:05PM, Feb. 13, 2006

Hello guys and guy-ettes!

I know how excited you all get when someone makes a newspost so I thought I would feed the fire a little.

Comic Anniversary!
Did you know that the Tuesday, February 14th is the 500th comic of Yami no Tainai? I think you will agree with ...

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skoolmunkee's mess-o-post

skoolmunkee at 6:25AM, Feb. 10, 2006

Welcome back to Drunk Duck!

Hey guys (and gals, or you know… womyn or something), if you're here then you know Drunk Duck is back. Congratulations! To… us I guess.

This blog/news post will be a fairly brief rundown of how some things work around here. Keep in ...

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New security measure

Volte6 at 9:54AM, Feb. 9, 2006

Some of you may notice that you had to relog today when visiting the site.

Hopefully few to none of you will find that you have to do so over and over ;)

Basically, Radarig alerted me to a security vulnerability that I had to address… so the minor inconvenience is ...

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