Just adding to the newsposts. :)
ccs1989 got his first book published! You can get Assassin Assassin Book One at Lulu if you click right here!
The 1000th (yes, one thousand O.o) Elijah and Azuu comic is coming up soon and Inkmonkey is planning a fanart special this coming Wednesday ...
And I follow closely behind~
Black_Kitty at 2:26PM, April 27, 2006A movie worth watching.
Volte6 at 5:39PM, April 24, 2006Here is a short trailer on google
Feel free to discuss in the forums.
Public Speech About Drawing Figures and Webcomics
skoolmunkee at 3:32AM, April 24, 2006Jillyfoo is giving a public speech today (April 24th) about using references for drawing webcomics. It is at the Undergraduate Research Conference at the University of Minnesota, Mankato. It's titled Drawing the Figure Using References For An Online Comic. Sorry, I don't know the time….
That's understandably ...
More announcements!
Black_Kitty at 11:04AM, April 19, 2006Firstly, I want to apologize to everyone who sent me a private message and didn't get a response. I got your message but I hadn't been able to reply and things just started to pile up.
So think of this newspost as my response to you all. :)
Yami ...
skoolmunkee at 3:27AM, April 19, 2006I am freshly returned from Spain where everyone eats prawns and sugar-coated bread for Easter and now I have some announcements!
WTF Renewed is 100 comics old on the 19th of April. Also reaching 100 pages is Golden Gamers, and Aussie Kid tells me he has something special planned. Congrats ...
Eep! Nearly forgot to post this!
Black_Kitty at 10:40AM, April 14, 2006I just realized I forgot two pieces of news! So here's to them and sorry about this guys. :( This is what happens when you post in the middle of the night.
Life and Death hit its 200th comic on April 10th. Everyone should check it out and offer some ...
skoolmunkee at 3:53AM, March 29, 2006Howdy folks! I bet you missed me didn't you.
Comic Announcements
Mikyagu reaches 100 strange comics today! Congratulations!
Four Bats is reaching its 50th comic on Friday, and will be twice the normal size for double your comic goodness!
On Saturday, Flirtatious will begin Act 2 at over 50 ...
UK Web & Mini Comix Thing review
Black_Kitty at 10:37PM, March 24, 2006I wanted to post this as a separate newspost partly because I think it should be posted as such and partly because I can. :P
Cookie graciously took the time to write up a helpful and detailed convention report of the UK Web & Mini Comix Thing. I'm not going ...
Get those reading glasses ready, this is going to be a long one~
Black_Kitty at 10:24PM, March 24, 2006Yesterday was The KAMics' 500th strip! And last week was Gunnerkrigg Court's 100th strip! Which concidentally, was also around the time one of Tonykewv1's comic reached its 200th! And on April 4th, Soapbox Hill is going to reach its one year anniversary! And that happens after Obnoxious High ...