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Do you make work that no one will ever see? Do you do that so you can mess around and experiment without consequences, for practice, for testing ...
QUACKCAST 485 - For your eyes only
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 30, 2020Thursday news!
skoolmunkee at 2:39AM, April 23, 2009
The Chronicles of Wyrden by Doctor Shadow and Gill hit 150 pages today!
Also today, ghostrunner's Grin n Spirit has reached 450!
Kohdok's for Your Eyes Only turned 2 years old yesterday! “It's almost 400 pages and over 800,000 pageviews! Ha!”
Comicdeoxyribonucleicacid, which is about ...
News on a Sunday?! Is it late or is it early? Does it matter?
skoolmunkee at 11:10AM, Feb. 1, 2009The interviews for the third round of Quack With the Ducks just keep coming in! If you haven't read them yet, you should do so- because more are on their way, and rounds 4 and 5 are getting started! You can find them all in The Interviews Forum, and ...
OK, pretend it is Thursday and this is the Thursday newspost!
skoolmunkee at 4:11PM, Jan. 28, 2009OK, pretend it is Thursday and this is the Thursday newspost!
Because it turned Thursday for me 10 minutes ago, so I think that's okay.
Another creator interview is up! This time, BlkKnight interviews alejkhan (creator of Lola, Jump, and Fireborn)! So far they are 4 for 4 with ...
More milestones, and a contest too!
skoolmunkee at 2:09AM, Jan. 15, 2009Man, we've had a load of milestones so far this year! I better start doing newsposts more often… Keep up all the good work guys! With all this comic-making fervor, even I might manage to get a couple pages out…
kohdok is having a create-a-cover contest for For Your ...
ozoneocean has also quit....
SpANG at 11:49AM, Oct. 26, 2008… Posting the NEWS so I guess I have to! :D
Elanor Pam tells us that God of Destruction has gotten to 150 pages, and there's still much more to come. Congrats!
TakeshiG lets us know that on Oct 25th Digimon Elements hit the 25th and ...
Hey guys you know what Monday means right?
skoolmunkee at 4:18AM, July 21, 2008Monday's featured comic is The Necropolis Chronicles!
Jaina's first day at her new boarding school is a drag. No one likes her, and the feeling is mutual. Jaina knows she is different from her schoolmates- but she doesn't quite realize just how different until she's captured ...
Milk chocolate drops!
skoolmunkee at 1:38AM, May 1, 2008silvipera and floodgatemartyr have got a comic (Lil' Hero Artists) which you can buy (at DriveThruComics) or free-download (at Wowio)! You can support their work by getting a copy (and Wowio's free, why not?), because the more downloads they get the more likely their publisher is to release a ...
skoolmunkee at 1:32PM, Dec. 2, 2007hpkomic (Galactic Hub Serreven) and kcg (Horribleville) have teamed up and gotten a comic into Nickelodeon Magazine! Rush out and buy it and tell everyone how much you like Wizard Brothers!
Don't forget that Darth Mongoose of FanDanGo has made it into the top 15 finalists of Rising Stars ...