Public Profile

aqua 77

member since February 02, 2009


meh, i like to read comics. i dont comment very often, but i check for updates daily

i read waaay to many comics

Comics By aqua 77

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Comics Assisted By aqua 77

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Comics Recomended By aqua 77

Wade West had it all, he was the sidekick of the world famous Blackhawk! Once tragedy hits, Wade has to learn to live out of his mentor's shadow.

A king needs a team of elite experts to help fight crime and uphold the peace of Mercia. Unfortunately, he hires crazy people for the job. This didn't quite pan out the way he thought it would.

About a teenager named Evan, who goes to a school to teach him how to be a supervillain! But he's no good at it and hilarity ensues!

Stand alone 20-30 page stories that take place within the Bad Guy High Universe!

Following centuries of imperial supremacy, the Empire is dying and barbarians are on the move. As the age of darkness seems imminent and inevitable, the people of this transitional world move to protect their interests

And now the tale of a party of adventurers who got lost in a dungeon... and the one Paladin who had no choice but to try and save them. It's Character Development. A daily photocomic with toys.

A super-powered vampire with pirate-related PTSD accidentally starts collecting friends like a crazy cat lady collects strays, and they all live in a cabin in the woods.

A team effort by many of webcomics' best and most popular superheroes

Webcomic All-Stars to the Rescue! Starring A.N.T, Dasien, Dead Debbie, Lightbringer, and Mindmistress! They team up to face the evil CROSSOVERLORD!

The misadventures of Cru, a demented dwarf with a questionable grasp on reality and a penchant for perviness.

A comedy/adventure/fantasy story which refuses to try and cash in on WoW or D&D. Currently in Chapter 13 - Mordrolvia

Random adventures of three dangerous teens.

Rouge princess finds a change of heart and returns to her home and family, and her troubles follow, not far behind! Can the story end happily ever after? Why it can. It's all over except for the reception!

A comic revolving around a family of dragons who, like all the other dragons, live beneath the earth. Updates Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

A wizard tries to raise an orphaned dragon in a world of magic, war, and adventure. He soon finds out a dragon does whatever it wants...and he may make all the difference.

Hello, Dear Reader! What follows isn't so much a comic as it is a viewport into another dimension where you can follow my life and my adventures as the superhero Fusion. Updates every Tuesday (with occasional Thursday bonuses).

It's outer space! And stuff happens! Worst description ever! (Seriously, it's a Sci-Fi Comedy in the Hitchhiker's Guide/Red Dwarf/Futurama vein)

The Continuing Saga of George the Dragon! This is the tale of a Dragon named George. George is old. So old that he has lived in every age of the world from Medieval to Modern. His tales are rather silly in nature. Join in on his (Mis)adventures!

Jamie knows he can do strange things. He's always tried to keep it quiet, but one day a stranger starts him doubting he can keep his secret a secret much longer... Elemental powers, mystery and adventure as Jamie finds out what it means to be 'Gifted'!

While other gods on Mt. Olympus are known to be beautiful and laid back, Hephaestus is more humble in appearance and works his hands to the bone. However, that is not to say that the god of crafting and fire doesn't have any interesting tales...

(Now defunct due to 3d software issues) A rabbit cop discovers his destiny lies beyond law enforcement when he accidentally activates his magic. Now Alex must learn how to control his powers while juggling his his family life, his work and his suddenly revealed health problems. Updates a week behind the main comic.

A story about my character named Jack (Better known as Jackie) an alien who gets talked into participating in an event that she hopes will bring back her dead brother Nic.

Jessica Hoshi and the Ajan Warriors battle the Bane Legion Cryptic for control of the Isian Badlands

Mostly my own slightly warped view on Life, Death, and the world in general.. Not really, this follows the lives of Death (Steve) and Life (Bobby) Along with the other mythical/magical beings that clutter up the place

It's about zombies. :D

Two Dwarfs, Wheels and Boat are commissioned to start an institute in post war Terra. They are to promote understanding between the former enemy races. Wheels has a pet project as well. Study the Mythical magicless race called Humans that once walked Terr

A young woman enters into a school of high magic. Will she discover her potential as a Mage? Or is there another destiny for her?

Follow the adventures of the dark witch Meryl and her werewolf minion Gin as they fend off overly affectionate vampires, rival witches, dangerous dungeons and annoying village kids looking for adventure.

Medusa is five years old. Her mom is a giant snake. She comes froma magical land. Now she lives with Jake. Updates Monday and Friday!

Kick Girl, otherwise known as the villainous harlot "Mystery Babylon" from Revelations, seems intent on keeping the seal to the Pit closed. But can she really overcome the thousand year prophecy and keep Lucifer and his army of demons from breaking free?

NewGirl is about a young superhero female trying to be top in her league but it shouldn't be too difficult when the league is Useless! She manages to get by with her friend Edwyn and save the day for some reason.

Superheroes deal with: life, death, evil conspiracies, end of the world, other universes, and each other.

Prodigium means prodigy in Latin. A term that describes these kids well. After seemingly unrelated teens wake up in the hospital with no memory they start realizing they do know each other and the strange things happening around them aren't that strange.


A perpetually experimental webcomic set in a Human and Furry (Humanoid Animal) world. Everything is done by the seat of the the pants of the characters and the author. Nothing is really taken too seriously... though it probably should from time to time.

3 out of 5 pookas enjoy this comic..

An unusual noblewoman disguises herself as a man to try to take over the world, one kingdom at a time. With a stupid prince, a talking dog, a vengeful archenemy along with some ridiculous events, will she be able to reach her goal or go crazy trying?

Marylin has a fun job, and her job is Death. Follow her as she goes and makes a name for herself, wielding her cruel scissors of Death. Who can stand in the way of this murderous princess of Death?

People are stupid, why would magic change that? Practice Carefully. Spell responsibly. Now updateing M-W-F

The misadventures of Skull Girl -- a recent graduate of a super-villainy school. She faces two major obstacles to her career as a super-villainess: No work experience, and she's sweet and adorable.

In a fantasy world, fantastic problems require fantastic solutions. Enter the Dragon Doctors, mystic doctors who can cure anyone of anything!...usually. Be it a minor sniffle or a horrible sentient cancer, they take all cases. Updates 3-5 times a week.

Random cartoons & series from the mind of Keith Alan Morgan. Updates when real life gives me time enough to finish a comic.

Gaelic, a shape shifting guardian with the ability to become a wolf, faces long forgotten trouble. Betrayed and wounded, hes cast to earth with his friends Hakune and Odina. With the support of a young earth woman, Maysume and a omega wolf, Abba, Gaelic finds that earth is more trouble then he was prepared for. As he is stranded on earth, he soon finds himself racing against time along with others back in the spirit realm as a long forgotten evil resurfaces.

A fresh new start, Odell, a Black Mage/Blue Mage blend, sets out on adventure in the world of FF1 with several other cohorts to thwart evil! Along the way they make new friends, foes, and experience lots of mayhem and wackiness!

The Island of March is a peculiar place for it's divided in half by a chalk line. One side of the island is populated by regular people, led by the wealthy merchant Sliced Hamm. On the Other Side however it's a different Story: pirates, lead by Nino Magliani, a mysterious tribe, a dissatisfied poet, Machiavelli's grandson and a bouquet of strange characters make life incredibly chaotic for Nino's daughter, Roxanne and her best gay friend Errol. But Roxanne has a plan to make the chaos stop, stipulate a peace treaty between the People and the Pirates, constantly at war. It all seems to work, until the owner of the island comes back.

Strange things have started happening in the local cemetery since Fernando Fritz rose from his grave... could this zombie be the cause of all the weirdness, or does it just follow him? Updates every 13th of the month!

After a near fatal accident, Sarah Liebowitz is presented with strange powers by beings from her dreams, telling her to accept her true parentage, her destiny, and the chance to become a hero

Two greedy bandits that came back from the dead and cause havoc in a wild west-like world until a misterious little girl hires them in order to help her father. This manga raises from the dead to bring you the Wild Weird West. Beware of violence and foul language. Read L-->R Comment plz!


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  • Blitzkrieg1701

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