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member since August 08, 2006


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Comics By djcoffman

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Comics Assisted By djcoffman

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Comics Recomended By djcoffman

An alien born out of an egg joins a circus - only to find that his fellow performers have made him into a spy after they find that they can use him for doing odd jobs. Although he is not a very sneaky one. Adventure follows! A Platinum Studios comic!

The Old West, an era when all a man could count on was his horse and his six-gun, and Indians fought a losing battle with European settlers, or cowboys. Until somebody else entered the fight: aliens! A Platinum Studios comic!

Devoid of Life (science fiction horror) Following the discovery of a hidden planet in our solar system, a series of horrible deaths occur at an observatory leading investigators to a plot that threatens all human life.

Phin, Sara and their girls, Cole and Ro, use their skills to fight evil in many forms. From vampires and werewolves, to evil mages, foul demons, nasty dragons, zombies, mummies and even time travelling, flying saucer driving Nazis. 37+ years and counting!

Superchum, world's friendliest superhero, is out to make friends with the entire world ... one person at a time!

After Sam Garrison and his pregnant wife move into the rough inner-city, Sam and his neighbor Mark decide to bring justice to the streets as vigilantes called the Watchdogs. But Sam learns that Mark has a darker agenda... A Platinum Studios comic!


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Lord Shplane at 8:03PM, Sept. 21, 2007

*Sniff* you really do care...

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