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What are you watching right now?
Genejoke at 12:51AM, Sept. 26, 2020
posts: 4,270
joined: 4-9-2010
Did you also catch that it was Don Quixote? ^_^

It was hard to miss the parallels once you get to the later part of the film.
Banes at 9:51PM, Sept. 27, 2020
posts: 692
joined: 8-13-2008
ozoneocean wrote:

I saw…
Dream a Little Dream 1989

Yeah my friends and I loved this obscure little flick back in high school - some nice moments and music, and especially the immortal line “Hey! I thought this was supposed to be a party! Who's got the chips?”

But even then I recognized that the movie was all over the place and not all that great. Still has some nostalgic moments and charming bits here and there. They made a sequel that was truly heinous.

moizmad at 1:26PM, Sept. 28, 2020
posts: 353
joined: 8-28-2010
THE KEEPERS - Netflix series re murder of nun Cathy Cesnik in 1969 Baltimore. Now 51 years later they still don't know for sure who did it, altho Father Joseph Maskell seems like he was involved in some manner as he learned Cesnik was about to go to police re his molestation and rape of many young girls at the school. Lots of suspects acting on his command, and we hear many of those involved talking about the events as they recall them but of course, many are now deceased (incl. Maskell in 2001) or memories are fading. I found it interesting altho much repetition, gets a 2 1/2 on the Moizmeter.
kawaiidaigakusei at 10:13PM, Sept. 28, 2020
posts: 814
joined: 3-23-2007
Banes wrote:
ozoneocean wrote:

I saw…
Dream a Little Dream 1989

Yeah my friends and I loved this obscure little flick back in high school - some nice moments and music, and especially the immortal line “Hey! I thought this was supposed to be a party! Who's got the chips?”

But even then I recognized that the movie was all over the place and not all that great. Still has some nostalgic moments and charming bits here and there. They made a sequel that was truly heinous.

This was one of the most popular of the Corey-Corey movies! (The Lost Boys takes the cake). Corey Feldman’s costume was very Michael Jackson like on the cover. Hahaha 😄

I am currently watching Terminator 2: Judgement Day, only ten years until Skynet completely takes over, so getting a head start on my research.
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
last edited on Sept. 28, 2020 10:15PM
usedbooks at 8:17AM, Sept. 29, 2020
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
I started watching The School Nurse Files. It's the magical realism genre I enjoy. And a lightened, sometimes humorous tone on dark themes (demons and supernatural stuff). It's Korean but has a dubbed option, so it's easy follow. Like other Korean productions I've watched on Netflix, the acting is top notch and the special effects are hit-and-miss.

I'm just an episode in, so I'll let you know.

I finished watching Mystic Pop-Up Bar last week. Korean. Same tone. Excellent acting. Fun story. It's not dubbed. Not hard to follow, but required more attention and focus, as subtitles do.

UPDATE: Finished The School Nurse Files. I found it mediocre overall. It was a reasonable length (six one-hour episodes). But anticlimactic. More fun at the beginning. I thought there was a potential villain being developed, but that plot elememt fizzled. Got a little slow. And it wasn't as fun or captivating as Mystic Pop-Up Bar.
last edited on Sept. 29, 2020 2:33PM
Ozoneocean at 9:37AM, Sept. 30, 2020
posts: 29,125
joined: 1-2-2004
I relistened to an interview with Patton Oswalt with Gilbert Gottfried and found Nd out that he's now married to the girl who starred in Dream a little Dream 🤣

I'm watching Community right now.
That series is really amazing. I was stupid not to watch it when it came out… It just looked weird and boring to me, especially with that lame name and with Chevy Chase playing such a weird side role in it.
Honestly the only reason I give it a second chance is that Dan Harmon, who does Rick and Morty is the creator.

Well it's brilliant. I lose a bit of love for it though when I imagine Rick saying most of the lines… Because most of the characters really do think like him, but the fact is it's great in its own right and can be recommended highly enough for its self aware nature and beautiful homages to pop-culture.
And of course the character Abed who is wonderful
moizmad at 2:17PM, Oct. 2, 2020
posts: 353
joined: 8-28-2010
AMERICAN MURDER: THE FAMILY NEXT DOOR - On Netflix re goof Chris Watts who murdered his wife and 2 daughters because he was having an affair? Hey Chris, ever heard of divorce? After intense police questioning, he finally breaks down and confesses. No death penalty just life in prison to reflect on his incredible stupidity. Interesting watch getting a 3 on the Moizmeter.
hushicho at 8:17PM, Oct. 3, 2020
posts: 161
joined: 10-4-2007
I watched The Goes Wrong Show recently, and it was a lot of fun. Very silly humor, but still often fun. Plus the fellows are all very easy on the eyes, and I always prefer men with a good sense of humor!

If you're not familiar with the series or premise, they earlier did Peter Pan Goes Wrong, which was just brilliant. They also did A Christmas Carol Goes Wrong, quite fun but not quite as good as the Peter Pan one. The Goes Wrong Show takes a different genre each episode, and they're each about half an hour long.

The only negative I'd say is that there are only half a dozen episodes. I wish there were more! Perhaps one day.
♥*♡∞:。.。 Official Site 。.。:∞♡*♥
usedbooks at 6:35PM, Oct. 4, 2020
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
After reminiscing on it on Tantz's Happy Endings newspost, I decided to rewatch the anime Erased (the animated one, as I haven't seen the live action and am not really interested). It is my favorite anime series, a single season with a satisfying conclusion. It's creepy and inspiring, and the first time I watched it, it was a “I have time for one more episode tonight” eyes-glued binger.

It is murder mystery/thriller with a touch of magical realism – mostly a framing device. The story is about a man who has to relive a few months of his childhood to solve a crime and prevent his mother's future murder.

There is a serial killer of children in it. It has some themes of child abuse and neglect, so TW and CW.

It's available with subtitles and with dubbing, and both are excellent.
last edited on Oct. 4, 2020 6:59PM
Ozoneocean at 9:21PM, Oct. 4, 2020
posts: 29,125
joined: 1-2-2004
hushicho wrote:
I watched The Goes Wrong Show
I saw an episode of that the other day… I think?
It was basically pretending to be a play about a ghost story, but they keep making slapstick mistakes and cover them up… and other related bits of comedy.
It was in the style of the farce/pretend plays that used to be a staple on pretty much all live sketch comedy shows from the Muppet show to laugh-in.

It's a very retro style thing to do… and I couldn't believe they stretched it to a whole half hour!

I found it funny enough, but there was no depth or meat to it. It's a very straight forward what-you-see-is-all-there-is simple comedy. That's not a criticism because that is perfectly fine if that's what you're after, it's just not what I wanted at that time.


I watched Daredevil the other day.
I still don't entirely get why it's hated so much, but I think I can sort of see why…
My guess is that it's probably not faithful to the comic. It was also sort of semi-stylised, a bridge between the corniness of Batman and Robin and the more realistic and gritty approach of Batman Begins.
Ben Affleck is always a bit annoying with his acting but it did have some good effects, like his blind vision in the rain.
usedbooks at 2:41PM, Oct. 5, 2020
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
I'm currently enjoying the fourth season of The Worst Witch. It's basically an all-girls Harry Potter without the dark, melodramatic bullshit.

(Although, since it's based on a book series that predates the Harry Potter books by over 20 years, HP is a gritty, co-ed copy of The Worst Witch.)
usedbooks at 4:41PM, Oct. 10, 2020
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
I just finished Evil on Netflix. I wasn't planning on watching it, didn't seem like my thing. But I enjoyed it. The main character is a psychologist who joins a team from the Catholic church that investigates claims of demonic possessions.

I liked how you could never tell whether there was something supernatural going on or not. It was intriguing to follow. Although serial and building, it was more episodic. The characters made it enjoyable to watch.
L.C.Stein at 8:17PM, Oct. 10, 2020
posts: 109
joined: 10-2-2020
moizmad wrote:
AMERICAN MURDER: THE FAMILY NEXT DOOR - On Netflix re goof Chris Watts who murdered his wife and 2 daughters because he was having an affair? Hey Chris, ever heard of divorce? After intense police questioning, he finally breaks down and confesses. No death penalty just life in prison to reflect on his incredible stupidity. Interesting watch getting a 3 on the Moizmeter.

I just watched this tonight!! It was really depressing. I think it shows how difficult the average marriage can be and almost makes you sympathetic for the guy though.

He low-key wanted to get caught, otherwise, why talk to the police without a lawyer?

It looks like denial and suppression of severe mental illness…they looked like the kind of family where everything had to be just perfect and he must have snapped. Or he was a stealth sociopath (probably both…)

moizmad at 12:59PM, Oct. 13, 2020
posts: 353
joined: 8-28-2010
Currently ploughing thru Sherlock Holmes series with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Really have a tough time understanding what Sherlock is saying, he talks so fast, should watch with sub-titles I guess. Also, some scenes very confusing jumping back and forth, no idea what's going on. Really like Andrew Scott who plays Moriarty. I'm about half way thru.
L.C.Stein at 6:33PM, Oct. 13, 2020
posts: 109
joined: 10-2-2020
I remember watching that Sherlock series when it first came out. I really liked it, but I agree, some of the explanation of things did seem a bit confusing. I only remember there being a few long episodes then I got distracted and started watching other stuff.

Anyone watched Mildred Ratched on Netflix? A consolation prize since no AHS this year…but it was pretty well done. Sarah Paulson is a solid actress.
moizmad at 12:25PM, Oct. 18, 2020
posts: 353
joined: 8-28-2010
Finally finished Sherlock, those last couple of eppys were really senseless, couldn't stay on subject if there was a subject, thought it would be much better, gave whole series a 2 on the Moizmeter.
moizmad at 1:34PM, Oct. 28, 2020
posts: 353
joined: 8-28-2010
THE QUEEN'S GAMBIT - Anya Taylor-Joy, Bill Camp, Mariette Heller, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Moses Ingram and a cast of thousands. 7 part series. Orphaned at 9 yrs old, little girl learns chess from the janitor. She quickly shows amazing talent and after being adopted as a teen, she starts winning tournaments and drawing much attention. A master friend teaches her extensively and she finally ends up playing world champion in Moscow. Totally fiction as she is sort of a female version of Bobby Fischer. Enjoyed it very much, Anya has those amazing eyes! A 3 1/2 on the Moizmeter.
Ozoneocean at 9:53PM, Oct. 28, 2020
posts: 29,125
joined: 1-2-2004
moizmad wrote:
My sister recommended that to me :)
Haven't see it yet though because I don't have netflix


Mystery Gang.
I think it's called that. It had Donald Glover in it so that's why I watched it. It was fun but flawed, the writing wasn't great but Glover's acting was XD

The idea is that a kid's mystery solving crew grows up to be 18 year old boys who are still wanting to solve mysteries in cute ways and be all innocent and stuff… contrasting that with real crime, prostitution, murder etc and playing it for laughs.
The main way it fails is that it doesn't establish them as a childish mystery gand right away by actually showing what they were like as children, instead we're just thrown into them as young adults behaving in that way and it takes a while to work out what's going on- meanwhile it's not as funny and innocent as it's syupposed to be, rather it's really creepy and disturbing and that puts a break on you getting the concept and really finiding it as funny as you should till a bit later.
moizmad at 6:51PM, Nov. 2, 2020
posts: 353
joined: 8-28-2010
THE HAUNTING OF BLY MANOR - Victoria Pedretti, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Henry Thomas, T'Nia Miller and a cast of mostly unknown thousands. Netflix series too stupid for words but I watched it as I heard it was filmed in my town Vancouver, altho supposed to be in England, and most scenes inside manor. A few familiar downtown scenes were spotted, which salvaged a 1 on the Moizmeter.
moizmad at 7:34PM, Nov. 6, 2020
posts: 353
joined: 8-28-2010
THE THIRD DAY - Jude Law, Katherine Waterston, Paddy Considine, Emily Watson, Naomie Harris, Nico Parker, Charlotte Gairdner-Mihell and a cast of hundreds. 6 part series about a bunch of goofs on a small island accessible by this long causeway usually unaccessible by high tides. Folks on island are all nuttier than fruit-cakes and lots of luck trying to figure out what any are doing or why, I know I couldn't. A 1 on the Moizmeter.
Ozoneocean at 8:05PM, Nov. 6, 2020
posts: 29,125
joined: 1-2-2004
I miss that time when Jude Law was in every single film :(


I started watching the American version of The Office.
It's not bad. No where near as savage and cutting at the original, but it has its own charm. The first series of it seemed to be trying to closely mirror the original, with the boss being closer to David Brent in his sleazy, unatractive glory…

But in the second season they toned it down and rounded off the edges. The boss gets better hair and nices clothes that actually fit, rather than the slightly oversized look in the first season. It works better that way for an American context. I don't think American comedy works as well with an edge.
L.C.Stein at 9:00PM, Nov. 6, 2020
posts: 109
joined: 10-2-2020
I've heard a lot of good things about the Queen's Gambit!

I actually have only watched the American version of The Office. I did see one or two episodes from the British version, and it was definitely a bit more wry than slapstick. American Michael Scott gets pretty ridiculous in some episodes though, and I don't think Andy joins the cast until later seasons…the interplay between him and Dwight is hilarious.
dpat57 at 12:16AM, Nov. 7, 2020
posts: 320
joined: 8-10-2009
Amazon Prime offered us The Gentlemen which I hadn't even heard of before, with Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam, Michelle Dockery and Colin Farrell. Turned out to be a Guy Ritchie movie, so cool gangsters, lots of fun dialogue, plenty of action, unexpected twists and blood spatter. ★★★★★
Ozoneocean at 8:03PM, Nov. 8, 2020
posts: 29,125
joined: 1-2-2004
dpat57 wrote:
Amazon Prime offered us The Gentlemen which I hadn't even heard of before, with Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam, Michelle Dockery and Colin Farrell. Turned out to be a Guy Ritchie movie, so cool gangsters, lots of fun dialogue, plenty of action, unexpected twists and blood spatter. ★★★★★
I don't really enjoy Guy Ritchie films that much. Lock Stock was good because it was about amateurs taking on an unfamiliar world of crime in Britain, and succeeding…
But mostly he has a world of hyper-masculinity where humanity and life don't mean anything and violence and torture are like air… I find that unpleasant.

It's a shame because he usually has good stories, great actors, and gets great performances out of them.
moizmad at 1:26PM, Nov. 13, 2020
posts: 353
joined: 8-28-2010
I have just awarded the movie KILL BILL as the WORST MOVIE EVER! I gave it the kybosh with about 15 minutes left as I couldn't take anymore. Many scenes go on and on and just when you think it can't go any further, it does. Quentin Tarantino, Uma Thurman, what drugs were they on? My bad movie rating is 0 but this one gets a minus 5!
last edited on Nov. 13, 2020 1:27PM
L.C.Stein at 6:26PM, Nov. 13, 2020
posts: 109
joined: 10-2-2020
moizmad wrote:
I have just awarded the movie KILL BILL as the WORST MOVIE EVER! I gave it the kybosh with about 15 minutes left as I couldn't take anymore. Many scenes go on and on and just when you think it can't go any further, it does. Quentin Tarantino, Uma Thurman, what drugs were they on? My bad movie rating is 0 but this one gets a minus 5!

Oh, that's too bad! Kill Bill is one of my favorite movies. :(

I started watching The Barrier, a Spanish Netflix show. I'm about halfway through and it's pretty good so far.
Genejoke at 5:54AM, Nov. 15, 2020
posts: 4,270
joined: 4-9-2010
moizmad wrote:
I have just awarded the movie KILL BILL as the WORST MOVIE EVER! I gave it the kybosh with about 15 minutes left as I couldn't take anymore. Many scenes go on and on and just when you think it can't go any further, it does. Quentin Tarantino, Uma Thurman, what drugs were they on? My bad movie rating is 0 but this one gets a minus 5!

I rarely have the same opinion as you on films and TV shows but I have to agree here. It's painful to watch. Hands down QTs worst movie, well I haven't seen part two so that could be worse.
bravo1102 at 6:36AM, Nov. 15, 2020
posts: 6,334
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The whole secret to watching Kill Bill is to fast forward through any dialogue and just watch the fights. Some of the best choreographed martial arts fight scenes ever. If you didn't see a lot of the films they reference it can be a pretty empty viewing experience though.

Kill Bill 2 is better because David Carradine has a much bigger part. That's when it really becomes a great tribute to those old Kung fu films.

Most Tarantino films can easily be trimmed by thirty to forty-five minutes without losing anything.

Me? Been watching Second City Television episodes from the 1980s. Not as funny as I remember but very creative. I'd forgotten just how much of Dave Thomas' work had been cribbed by Mike Myers.
moizmad at 3:31PM, Nov. 15, 2020
posts: 353
joined: 8-28-2010
bravo, “choreographed” nails it, old kung fu/karate movies are beyond stupid, anyone who watches UFC knows nobody fights like that, and if you were in a real street fight, you'd be using eye-gouging and flesh tearing, at least I sure would. Nothing funnier than SCTV's Monster Chiller Horror Theatre with host Count Floyd and John Candy's really scary Dr. Tongue and his unbelievable 3D effects! Gives you the willies just thinking about it.
Ozoneocean at 6:48PM, Nov. 15, 2020
posts: 29,125
joined: 1-2-2004
moizmad wrote:
bravo, “choreographed” nails it, old kung fu/karate movies are beyond stupid, anyone who watches UFC knows nobody fights like that, and if you were in a real street fight, you'd be using eye-gouging and flesh tearing, at least I sure would.
All movies and TV shows with fighting are like that now, from John Whick to James Bond to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Witcher and so on.
It's ALLLLLL choreographed in a stylised, gratingly fake way

THIS is the PERFECT, very best and ultimate exemplar of ALL of those sorts of fights in the most honest way possible. No pretence that it's not “fake”, just pure style :)
(“Girl Hunt Ballet” — Fred Astaire and Cyd Charisse, 1953)

I've never seen Kill Bill, mainly because I don't like too much brutal violence and blood… But Stylisation helps ignore that aspect so I might give it a go.

More Girl Hunt Ballet:
last edited on Nov. 15, 2020 6:53PM

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