Hahaha! Exactly!
But I don't mind people using their phones and tablets as long as they're extending their range of communication… unless they're ignoring their partner to do it.
@Bravo and Scarf- I'm talking about conversation as opposed to being a human dear diary. If you could just as easily be replaced by a page in a notebook for a bathroom wall then there's not much point to you being there. :)
And that is why you're not a mental health care professional, nor should you ever consider being one. Lol.
And also marriage might be out of the question too. :D :D
I understand better than you can believe. Or maybe you can. Then I went to couples counseling, communication skills, anger management, group therapy and CBT.
Start with “I” statements and express your feelings simply. Criticize the behavior, not the person.
“I feel that you are doing a disservice to this great story by telling it so often. The first six times it was great but now, I ever tell you about the time I rolled a car?”
"I am frustrated and would like my turn to speak? I think I may have some points worth considering.
Ask if they really want your input or just to listen.
And before you know it you'll be charging $125 for every 45 minutes or at least they'll offer to pick up the tab. ;)
You'll probably get to the US before I get to Aus so we have got to meet and just talk with each other for a few hours.