Creator Interview: Marcorossi

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, April 27, 2024

It's time for another interview, with Marcorossi, one of DD's most active and proliferate webcomic artists, who also has FINISHED WEBCOMICS.

But enough intro on my part! Let's let Marco talk, here we go!

1. Let’s start! Tell us a bit about yourself.

Hi! I’m ...

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Creator Interview: Spooky Kitsune

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Feb. 17, 2024

Today's Creator Interview is all about the fantastic Spooky Kitsune! They are a recent addition to the DD family and a prolific one, with two webcomics hosted here already!

But you don't want me to tell you about it all! Let's hear it from Spooky Kitsune themselves ...

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A Wayback Playback

Banes at 12:00AM, Dec. 7, 2023

I have a handful of hobbies that mean a lot to me - from an early age, reading, and music (drums at first), and drawing were all important pastimes.

The other day I found an old workbook dated from when I was eight years old. It was an A to Z ...

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Don't forget to have fun

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, June 3, 2023

Recently I’ve been struggling with finding the motivation to draw. In part, it’s because I have had to deal with covid once again. However, the drive to work on our comics was diminishing prior to coming down with covid again. As the focus has shifted from having hobbies ...

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Character Analysis: Levana from Vampire Girl

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, May 27, 2023

It’s been quite a bit since I last made a character deep dive, but since I got a bit more time on my hands, here we are! Today’s Character Analysis is about Levana from Vampire Girl by Marie Kerns and J_Scarbrough!

So, first things first! Vampire Girl is ...

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What you really, really want

Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, Dec. 11, 2022

This is gonna be yet another rambling kind of post and a long one at that–so be warned. In the recent month I’ve been doing some soul searching that ties into this personal Christmas shopping spree of sorts that I’ve had recently. To be more specific, I ...

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Fantastic Bestiary 8: The Mermaid

Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, May 29, 2022

Recently it struck me. So far I’ve already brought up two water-based mythic beings in this series of articles, and non of them were mermaids. Which is why I’ve decided to talk about them here today. We’re pretty much all familiar with mermaids. Though maybe not as ...

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Interviewing Nic and Ben of Potato & Kraut

damehelsing at 12:00AM, May 9, 2021

Hi! I’m damehelsing from The Drunk Duck Community and for today’s Sunday article I will be interviewing the lovely duo, Nic and Ben!!

So, Nic and Ben! Give us a little introduction!

Ben: well, my name is Ben, I'm the artist of Potato and Kraut, hosted on ...

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The Duo

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Feb. 6, 2021

We've all been told how in story telling, showing is a lot better than telling.

Showing gets hard if your main character is a loner that interacts with nobody. Even harder if he/she is a stoic that emotes very little. The audience will have no way of knowing ...

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Merry Christmas

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Dec. 25, 2020

It’s Christmas.

As we wind down from this exhausting year, take the time to relax and count all the rays of sunshine amongst the gloom. In spite of the upheaval in work structures, I have found more time for my hobbies and art. In spite of the lockdowns I ...

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