Forgiveness is a wonderful thing. It's an emotion, it's a state of mind, it's a process.
It's a process that takes at least two parties to even begin to happen.
The problem is that in life and in fiction, this is often misconstrued as something that ...
The Problem With Forgiveness
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, May 29, 2021QUACKCAST 497 - It's just kid's stuff
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Sept. 22, 2020 LISTEN on our new player!
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Today we're talking about the idea that entertainment aimed at kids can only be enjoyed by kids and the reason that adults often don't like ...
Banes at 12:00AM, Jan. 9, 2020
I like mentor characters.
This is not just me of course; the mentor and protagonist relationship is powerful. Some of the best moments in many stories are the first encounter with the mentor, the training and sense of discovery for the protagonist, and the eventual loss of the mentor character ...
Not What They Seem
Banes at 12:00AM, Nov. 14, 2019
edward norton in “primal fear”
One of the things I like in fiction is characters who are not what they seem.
Like all things, this sort of thing can be done well, or badly, or somewhere in between. It can be fascinating and surprising, or cliche and predictable. It can ...
On Clipping Wings
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Oct. 5, 2019
Today, while on a coffee break with my gaggle of Red Cross guys, a friend told me that he had dabbled in writing stories, after a vignette he'd written at school received an award. His mother though was skeptical, and when she went to read it in the exhibit ...
Realer Than Real
Banes at 12:00AM, July 18, 2019
Recently I saw a performance of the Muppets' band “The Electric Mayhem” from 2009. Pretty great!
It occurred to me how many years have passed since the heyday of the Muppet Show in the late 1970's. The fact that this young-ish audience was so excited about this show said ...
The Thing With Clichés
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, June 8, 2019
There is a general idea that cliches, when they surface in the narrative of a story, be it movie, tv or webcomics or anything else, is a sign of bad writing.
There is of course a good basis for this presumption, because usually a cliche is a plot device, or ...
Emotional Impact
Amelius at 1:10PM, April 14, 2019
Have you ever read something and it gave you the “feels?” Something that was so intense that you couldn't help but feel the emotional truth of a fictional moment in time? In many ways that is the highest form of our art, and possibly any art; to communicate an ...
An Unexpected Audience
Amelius at 12:52PM, March 10, 2019
Sometimes you aim for a target and you miss– but you end up with a hit anyway in an unexpected place.
When starting a new project usually the target audience is clear, people like ourselves. After all, an author usually likes their own work and has a target reader similar ...
Going Backwards
Amelius at 11:00AM, Feb. 17, 2019
I read webcomics backwards, and maybe you should too. You might be aghast about spoilers, but trust me– almost every reader who happens upon your comic does this too.
I should specify–I don't read the entire archive backwards. It depends on the comic but typically I read back ...