Lothar, follow Tantz's advice please. She's a professional in that realm
bravo1102 wrote:
I've come to believe the “everybody against whites” came from that it was whites beating up and oppressing every other group for the past few centuries.
Ugh, I know.
That characterisation annoys me from all angles.
There are no such thing as “whites” for a start. :/
Western European nations reached a level of technological advancement and industrialisation that allowed them to gain a lot of power and use it over nations with agrarian focussed economies and low levels of national unity- which started with central and eastern Europe, then spread down to North Africa, South Asia, the Americas etc
-But the
trick is that's history from a Western European perspective… Which is also done to make the Europeans look good and powerful. But t's not the only truth
Around the world every powerful group was always also dominating their regions. That includes indigenous tribes in North, Central, and South America, the Mughals in India, the Chinese, the Koreans, the Thais, various Arab groups, various African tribal nations, the Turks, the Russians, the Japanese, The Maoris…
We think about history has being “the Europeans did this and that” mainly because the Europeans wrote it and taught it so it's from their perspective. When we think we're being critical of it and redressing wrongs we're still just stuck in the European version of history where they're the the strongest and best and everyone else was weak and pathetic… Which wasn't really the case.
-NOT to discount the problems caused by colonialism though, which still affects us to this day (mainly from the 19th century). The trouble in Israel and the independence riots in New Caledonia right now are evidence of that :(